La Francophonie - Haiti (Downloadable eBook)

A chance to learn about something new - a history and culture that most students have not been exposed to in their classes: Haiti. The author has used these activities in her classes.
Students will glimpse into Haitian culture and make connections to their own culture. Teachers are provided with the necessary background knowledge while student activities provide opportunities to explore this culturally rich former French colony. The activities touch on all four strands of French language learning (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing).
The complex history of Haiti unfolds and includes Haiti from being a slave colony of France to a free state, all in a student-friendly way. Using Google Earth, students will also explore Haiti's geography. They will then delve into the particulars of the Haitian language, fun folklore, lively music and food with optional hands-on activities.
A reading activity to exercise critical-thinking will get students thinking: Why is Haiti a poor country? To answer this question, students will have to draw on the knowledge they gained learning about Haiti’s history. There are also lists of resources (websites and online videos) for teacher to enhance lessons as well as providing opportunities for social justice learning.
62 pages.
Intermediate level. 
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