Bon appétit (French version) (Downloadable eBook with link to streamed video)

Note: This publication is a downloadable eBook which includes a private link to a streamed video. An Internet connection is required to play the video. 
Important note: The link to the streamed video can be found on page 4 of the eBook. Simply click on the blue arrow to start the video.
Audrey is a high school student living with her family in Paris. Students can follow her through a day as she visits a boulangerie in the morning for freshly baked goods for the family breakfast, joins high school students in their school cafeteria for lunch, shops in a marché for produce, cheese and all the necessities for a day as we experience dinner with Audrey and her family. Your students will hear authentic French in a Parisian setting, acquire new vocabulary, and see and learn the importance of food in French culture. The book is in French and includes the script, various student activities and a video (approx 30 min). An ideal supplement for any food unit.
Bon appétit!
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