Language Challenge of the Week: Words starting with 'C' (Downloadable worksheet)


A worksheet to set a 'Challenge of the Week' to your students. 

Looking at the picture, students must find as many words starting with 'C' in the target language as possible. This works for most Latin languages. For German, we recommend you add words starting with 'K' and 'S'. 


  • English: the castle, the can, the chair...
  • French: le chien, la casquette, la cage...
  • Spanish: el castillo, el coche, el café...
  • Italian: la cornice, il computer, il cd...
  • German: der Computer, die Katze, die Schlüssel...

As an extra challenge, students can be asked to add adjectives to describe each item, or make full sentences. 

Please note that you will not receive any physical product. 
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